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How to achieve a good corporate culture

corporate culture

Times are changing. The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed countless sectors around the world, and that has introduced us to unusual ways of doing business and working. We are, without doubt, at the tipping point of the future of the world of work. According to recent research conducted by Gartner, topics such as remote working, digital transformation, employee experience, workforce health and wellness, data security, performance analytics, retraining and professional development, and transparency have become more topical than ever.
Culture eats strategy for breakfast. - Peter Drucker (business management guru)

Benefits of having a good corporate culture

Well-implemented company values will have a positive impact on each of the elements and actors involved. These are mainly the following:

Staff retention

Statistics show that we spend around a third of our lives working, so the happier and more engaged people feel at work, the less companies will face problems such as absenteeism and staff turnover. In addition, adopting a good work ethic allows HR departments to select candidates who are a better fit with corporate values and mission, while discarding those who will be unhappy at work and who have the potential to create toxic environments.

Performance and productivity

Statistics show that we spend around a third of our lives working, so the happier and more engaged people feel at work, the less companies will face problems such as absenteeism and staff turnover. In addition, adopting a good work ethic allows HR departments to select candidates who are a better fit with corporate values and mission, while discarding those who will be unhappy at work and who have the potential to create toxic environments.

A company of the future

It is possible to create and maintain a business culture that inspires and thrives both in COVID-19 times and in the future, provided you are willing to adopt the following key elements:

3 key cultural elements to secure a company's future

1. The company, its mission and values

Today, it is no longer enough to put the company's core values on paper or offer unique benefits to employees. People tend to enjoy their work more when the culture is aligned with them, i.e. when their values and needs match the company's mission, values and work ecosystem. In addition, the company should encourage its workforce to actively contribute to the business, thus reinforcing the importance of the people who are part of it.
On the other hand, the pandemic has exposed the need (already existing before) for companies to operate in such a way that there is honesty between managers and subordinates, making leaders understand that they must give up old strategies such as control and instead find new ways of working together, increase communication and make transparency part of company policy, face difficult situations without fear, conduct "ask me anything" sessions, explain things to others, and give explanations.
ask me anything" sessions, give explanations when necessary and involve everyone in decision making.

2. Leadership

Today, the role of leaders is increasingly complex: they are not only expected to deliver results, but also to lead business change, promote professional growth, ensure well-being and develop social engagement policies, while recognising merit or discovering new business opportunities through knowledge sharing and knowledge creation, among an infinite list of tasks. Regular face-to-face meetings between managers and employees as well as frequent feedback take on special importance and significance when it comes to building solid trust between the company and its leaders in times of COVID-19. In addition, emphasising purpose and care helps companies to strengthen the connections between all their members and become more resilient. Only then will they be able to cope with change and thrive in uncertain and disruptive environments such as the one we are living in.

3. Communication

Communication is the key to success; it not only helps the workforce to be more productive, but also enables companies to run smoothly.
run smoothly. Moreover, companies that provide effective communication in the workplace are also more likely to build trust in a two-way way, and in doing so, increase the productivity of their employees.
two-way trust, and, in doing so, increase the productivity of their workers. Daily interactions are therefore considered vitally important to increase and maintain workplace engagement at the highest level.

Prepare for a limitless future by building and maintaining a strong company culture with the best HR tools, like niikiis, a simple and intuitive HR platform that powers a new way of working together, both in the office and remotely, and helps you address new workplace challenges around engagement, learning, social connection and communication. Get started now, sign up for a free account and find out
how we can help you onboard new employees while enjoying a unique experience.