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How to implement microlearning

How to implement microlearning

Microlearning is a growing formula in the world of e-learning. Simply put, it is a modern approach to workplace learning that plans and delivers small pieces of information structured in short modules so that they can be consumed in a few minutes each day.

Benefits of microlearning-based training

Research shows that providing e-learning training in small units has numerous benefits for both employees and companies.

Firstly, it is a highly personalised form of learning, allowing learners to acquire the necessary skills at their own pace. Secondly, learners often find the content presented in a shorter and more engaging format than in traditional courses, which tend to be more dense. Finally, learning with small units makes it easier for employees to access the information they need when they want it, which will help them retain knowledge better and be more committed to their new company.
For companies, microlearning can also be highly beneficial because it saves money and time by creating a type of content that can be repurposed and works for training all types of employees (from trainees and juniors to managers who are short on time). It is also a very flexible type of training, as learners can easily consume the content anytime, anywhere and on any device and, with tools such as niikiis, even create content resources for free.

Microlearning and mainstreaming, an unstoppable duo

First and foremost, new employees need to feel comfortable and prepared to be able to successfully perform their new roles. Let's start by looking at some interesting facts:

Even if the statistics are not particularly promising, don't be discouraged. According to recent studies, providing an optimal onboarding experience will make it more likely that employees will stay with a company for at least three years.

Indeed, throughout the onboarding process, one of the main concerns of companies is to try to integrate new employees into the company culture by providing them with an exceptional experience. Providing effective microlearning can play an essential role in the process, supporting the digitisation of content, often neglected on the company's outdated intranet, into small learning units that are interesting for new employees to familiarise themselves with their new positions faster and for companies to accelerate productivity response time.

How to choose the right microlearning platform for your company

You should choose a microlearning platform that meets all your current e-learning needs. Before you start, ask yourself the following questions: who are your learners, what will be the context of their training, what type of content will be most suitable for them (note that in some cases you may need to use a solution that combines long and short formats), what type of learning management system will best suit your company (note that not all LMSs are microlearning tools), who will create the content, and whether the solution you have selected is available for different devices.

Why niikiis can help you develop a microlearning platform

The niikiis application also includes a microlearning tool that allows you to create effective 3-minute video units to enhance your employees' indispensable skills through content pieces selected from numerous topics and free of charge. At niikiis we understand that every business is unique, so our platform can be customised to meet your company's specific e-learning needs and create a variety of content resources. This 2020, design an optimal learning strategy for your company with niikiis. Watch our YouTube tutorials to access our recommendations and sign up for a free business account today.