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5 HR priorities for 2023

New year, new challenges. The Human Resources area is facing an increasingly demanding and volatile workforce, making its role more important than ever for the growth of companies.
To identify the way forward in the new year, Gartner conducted a survey of 800 HR leaders from more than 60 countries and different industries to identify their top priorities for 2023.

What is the outlook?

Beyond compensation, professionals are looking for flexible work policies, a company that connects with their life purpose and that cares about giving them a good experience.

82% of employees say it is important that their organization sees them as people, not just employees.

Source: Gartner.

HR managers are aware of this and are working to create a company culture and meet the needs of their employees. However, they must deal with a context in which times are tough for everyone: economic uncertainty, talent shortages and the supply chain crisis.

Top 5 priorities for HR leaders in 2023, according to Gartner

The results highlight the need to strengthen leadership in companies, improve the employee experience and the recruitment process, fine-tune the hiring process and prepare for the future of work.
1. Make leaders and managers more effective.

Today's world of work demands that leaders and managers be more empathetic, authentic and able to adapt to change. In short, more human leadership.

The problem encountered by HR managers is that very few people lead in this way due to lack of commitment and trust. The challenge is to find an innovative way to reach them and help them overcome the internal and external obstacles that prevent them from exercising human leadership.

2. Supporting employees in the face of change

Employees have become more reluctant to change. In 2016, 74% were willing to change work behavior by supporting changes in the company, but that figure has dropped to 36% by 2022.

In a context of accelerating digitization, economic uncertainty and political tensions, people can experience change fatigue, and those who suffer the most from change fatigue are the least willing to cooperate.

For this reason, it is necessary that the HR areas provide support to the personnel to avoid the emotional exhaustion of facing a change, especially if these changes are constant.

3. Improve the employee experience

According to a survey conducted by Gartner this year, only one in four employees feel they can make a career move within their organization. Being out of the office makes traditional career development options less visible, and this generates insecurity.

To help them grow within the company, it is important to redraw the career path with the active participation of the employee, in order to tailor the plan to meet the expectations of both the company and the employee.

4. Conhire the personnel they really need

36% of respondents stated that their recruitment strategies are not sufficient to find the people they really need. It is estimated that by 2023, competition for qualified talent will be even tougher than it already is due to low supply and retention in the labor market. Some strategies for more effective hiring that Gartner recommends to address this problem include:

  • Use labor market data to find available and accessible talent on non-traditional platforms.
  • Creating an equitable internal labor market
  • Develop an onboarding program that promotes the commitment of new employees through the creation of emotional bonds.

5. Planning strategies for the future of work

The future of work is about more than flexibility at work. Companies are facing talent shortages, accelerating inflation and a different dynamic between employers and employees.

In view of this, it is essential for companies to have a more open vision of what their employees need and what they need to do their jobs better.

"HR leaders must manage investments in people and technology, cultivating a positive culture and employee experience, and transform HR work to be more automated and digital at the same time."

- Taken from Gartner's "Top 5 Priorities for HR Leaders in 2023" study.

The challenges facing HR in 2023 are enormous. The challenges facing HR in 2023 are enormous. Attracting and retaining staff to provide them with a good experience continues to be the main objective in order to avoid talent drain and staff turnover, a problem that has been growing around the world.
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