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Human resources trends for 2022

HR trends 2022

Given the current situation, many companies have had to readapt their working models and the capacity to respond has conditioned the survival of companies. 2021 has left us with many things, some good and some not so good, but one conclusion is clear and that is that HR is more humanised than ever. The talent management trends that will be consolidated in 2022 are no longer focused on the most technological part of the sector, but on what really matters: people. Do you want to know what the human resources trends will be in 2022? Then read on because this article will interest you.

Well-being at work

Financial remuneration is not everything: lental health is the main protagonist this year. Workplace wellbeing for employees is not only focused on basic health and safety standards, but also on developing strategies and plans directly focused on improving aspects such as the working environment, motivation and preventing the occurrence of stress at work..

Skills and gamification

Skills upgrading , known as upskilling and reskilling, is about improving workers' skills so that they can advance their careers, enhancing employability through lifelong learning.  

On the other hand, gamification is a training methodology that facilitates the internalisation of knowledge in a more fun way, generating a positive user experience.


Now that virtual communications and contacts have become more necessary than ever, it is vital to ensure privacy and the protection of personal data of of the people who staff. With this, volumes of personal data are collected on a minute-by-minute basis, from payroll management to clocking and timekeeping. This is why, in order to avoid any kind of legal legal inconvenience, it is necessary company management software, which, in addition, guarantees the privacy and protection of the personal data of those personal data of those who make up the workforce.

On the other hand, gamification is a training methodology that facilitates the internalisation of knowledge in a more fun way, generating a positive user experience.

Hybrid work: remote and face-to-face

Hybrid work is consolidating as a formula that combines the advantages of remote and face-to-face work, being the most valued alternative for both employees and employers. Thanks to this way of working, it has been possible to recover the closeness and warmth of personal relationships, while coordinating work and personal life. Time recording, monitoring of improvements, productivity, onboarding, and the onboarding onboarding or the Team Building will be aspects to work on in 2022 to optimise this work model.

On the other hand, gamification is a training methodology that facilitates the internalisation of knowledge in a more fun way, generating a positive user experience.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

In 2022, workers will start asking companies to get involved in social issues, to create opportunities for their employees, to take action and to go beyond promises and make commitments. Employees will value companies that create opportunities for them, without their gender, beliefs or origin being a barrier to their personal and professional growth. Directly linkedo Directly linked to the issue of equality, pay transparency will be one of the main issues to work on, making transparency" one of the key values of companies.

On the other hand, gamification is a training methodology that facilitates the internalisation of knowledge in a more fun way, generating a positive user experience.

People Analytics

Data analysis of the people who make up a company remains a priority in 2022, to help make decisions in real time. The aim is to assess and understand the degree of motivation, well-being and commitment of employees in order to design improvement plans if necessary. In addition, having quick access to this data helps optimise results in the areas of recruitment, performance evaluation, compensation, training and talent management.

On the other hand, gamification is a training methodology that facilitates the internalisation of knowledge in a more fun way, generating a positive user experience.

If there is one thing we have learned in recent years, apart from the fact that we cannot get used to anything due to the constant change we are exposed to, it is the importance of people's mental health, as well as the importance of data and its storage in order to adapt as quickly as possible. In short, the human resources department must be agile and adapt to changes, both at a digital, organisational and managerial level, and to any new law or decree that may arise during 2022.

Having all the Human Resources management processes unified in a single tool provides great benefits and facilitates the management of information.

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