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Workplace wellbeing in your hotel: how to improve it

Workplace wellness in the hospitality industry is an essential aspect to ensure productivity, strong professional relationships, positive business results and most importantly: good mental and physical health for your employees - the engine of your hotel.

In this article, we explore in depth how you can improve the well-being of your hotel teams and how important it is to foster a good working environment in your hotel. Read on!

The importance of the work environment in hotels

How do you know that your hotel has a good working environment? If your employees are satisfied, committed and motivated, which, in turn, directly influences the good customer experience and satisfaction and the success of the hotel. A good work environment is characterized by open communication, mutual respect, collaboration and support at work. When employees feel valued, listened to and respected, they are more motivated to provide excellent service to guests.

To understand and address workplace wellness in your hotel effectively, it is critical to consider five essential areas:

  1. Professional field

The professional aspect ranges from job stability and fair compensation to training and professional development. Hotels that value their employees invest in their training and development, allowing them to acquire new skills and move up the job hierarchy. This not only benefits workers, but also improves the quality of service offered to guests.

In addition, in a good working environment, well-defined procedures and service standards are established. Employees know exactly what is expected of them and how they can contribute to the smooth running of the hotel.

  1. Social area

The social aspect of workplace wellness in hotels involves creating an environment where employees can interact and collaborate. Fostering a strong team through events, team building activities and promoting a culture of inclusion and diversity is essential.

One tip for hotels could be to organize regular events, either virtual or in-person, to allow workers to network beyond work functions. This helps to strengthen bonds and create a sense of community in the workplace. Inclusion and diversity are especially important in the hotel industry, where customers from diverse cultures and backgrounds are served.

  1. Mental

The mental aspect of occupational wellness involves providing counseling and support programs for workers' mental health. 

The hospitality industry is often stressful, high-pressure and irregular schedules. Hotels should foster a good work environment where the emotional state of their employees can be openly communicated and provide resources to ensure their mental health.

Some tips could be: offer rest days or "wellness days". This is an increasingly common practice in the hotel industry. These days allow workers to disconnect and recharge their batteries, which is essential to prevent burnout.

  1. Financial area

The financial aspect refers to the economic security of workers. Hotels can improve labor welfare by offering retirement plans and benefits that enhance financial security. Providing financial education and savings programs is also crucial, as workers may be exposed to high turnover and volatility in the industry.

A hotel that provides financial stability to its employees will have a more committed and loyal team, willing to provide a constant quality service.

  1. Physical environment

Physical wellness is another important component of workplace wellness at your hotel. Encouraging physical activity with incentives and wellness programs is essential. Hotel workers often spend long hours on their feet and performing physical tasks, so it is essential to take care of their physical health.

By providing health insurance and regular health checkups, you can help workers stay fit and prevent illness. Healthy eating can also be promoted through on-the-job meal options and nutrition education.

Benefits of a hotel wellness program

Investing in a hotel wellness program with a focus on positive work climate brings numerous benefits:

  1. Improved productivity

The well-being of hotel workers drives productivity and performance. When workers are happy and motivated, they provide better service to guests and are more efficient in their tasks.

  1. More satisfied customers

A positive working environment in hotels is directly proportional to higher customer satisfaction. Employees who feel valued and supported provide a friendlier and more efficient service, which translates into positive reviews and repeat customers.

  1. Higher employee retention rate

Hotels that take care of the well-being of their workers have lower turnover rates. This saves time and money in training new workers and maintains continuity in service quality.

  1. Talent attraction

Hotel companies with strong workplace wellness programs often attract more qualified talent. Professionals want to work in environments where their well-being is valued.

  1. Reduces absenteeism

Workers who enjoy good occupational wellness in your hotel will be less inclined to miss work due to illness or stress. This improves the operational continuity of the hotel.

Examples of good practices in the hospitality industry

Here are specific examples of leading companies in the hospitality industry that have excelled in promoting workplace wellness in your hotel:

1. Taco Bell Spain

Taco Bell, a U.S. fast food chain with 86 locations in Spain, has achieved an employee satisfaction index of 98%, one of the highest in the industry. For Taco Bell, workplace well-being means that employees are motivated to go to work and return home just as happy. This has contributed to one of the lowest employee turnover rates in the industry, only 65%.

2. AN Grup

AN Grup, a company with 22 restaurants in Barcelona and Madrid, focuses on values such as equality and diversity. During the pandemic, AN Grup stood out for offering working hours to all its employees, promoting equality and solidarity.

Strategies to improve workplace wellness in your hotel

If you want to implement or improve a workplace wellness program at your hotel, here are some key strategies:

  1. Work climate survey

Conduct regular surveys to assess the work climate at your hotel. Ask your employees about their satisfaction, stress, work-life balance, and their opinions on current wellness programs.

  1. Training programs

Offer training programs for the professional development of your employees. You can offer online courses, soft skills workshops and mentoring opportunities.

  1. Mental health support

Provides access to mental health counseling and support services. Offers resources to help workers manage stress and encourages open communication about these issues.

  1. Encourages communication

Promote open communication in your hotel. Encourage feedback from employees and listen to their ideas and concerns. This helps create a work environment where everyone feels valued and listened to.

  1. Wellness or rest days

Implement wellness or rest days. This allows workers to take time to take care of their physical and mental well-being. Consider offering days off or flexibility in schedules.

  1. Team building activities

Organize regular team building activities to foster camaraderie and collaboration among employees.

  1. Rewards programs

Implement reward programs that recognize outstanding employee performance. Incentives can be in the form of cash, additional days off or public recognition.

  1. Healthy eating

Provide meal options at work that promote healthy eating. A menu with balanced and nutritious options is ideal to encourage good nutrition among your teams.

  1. Retirement plans and health insurance

Offers retirement plans and health insurance to provide financial security to your employees.

  1. Financial education

Provides financial education programs that help workers manage their finances and maintain a balance between expenses and savings.

How can niikiis help you avoid mistakes and improve your hotel's work environment?

niikiis, our frontline team management software, is designed to help you avoid common mistakes and improve the work climate in your hotel. Want to know more? We explain how niikiis benefits you:

Internal communication: Facilitates communication between departments, promoting collaboration and coordination. We have an integrated social network!

Training and development: Assists in the management of training and development programs, ensuring that your teams are well prepared.

Recognition and rewards: Facilitate the management of recognition and rewards to highlight the good performance of your employees.

Time control: Ensure a proper work/life balance with efficient time control.

In summary, the hotel work climate is a very important factor for success in the hospitality industry. Cultivating a positive work environment requires effort and commitment, but the benefits in terms of customer satisfaction, talent retention, and operational efficiency

Improving workplace well-being in the hospitality industry, especially in hotels, is essential to ensure long-term success. The work climate plays a key role in this process, as it directly influences employee satisfaction and engagement, which in turn positively impacts customer satisfaction and the hotel's bottom line.

Request a demo with our team now and find out more about niikiis and its benefits.

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