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What is the Business Equality Plan 2022?

Equality Plan 2022 at niikiis
On 7 March, Equality Plans became compulsory in companies with more than 50 employees. When the Organic Law was amended in March 2007, these changes for effective equality between women and men were already contemplated. However, until the entry into force of the Royal Decree-Law 6/2019 they did not become mandatory according to size. In 2020, it became mandatory for companies with more than 150 employees, in 2021 for companies with more than 100 employees, and this year it will become mandatory for companies with more than 50 employees.

What is an Equality Plan?

Equality Plan is a set of measures aimed at guaranteeing the gender equality in the workplace. It seeks the elimination of those barriers that hinder, limit or prevent equal treatment between the sexes in the company. 

Among the objectives of the equality plans are:

  • Eliminate discrimination based on sex.
  • Ensure equal treatment of women and men in the workplace.
  • Eradicate all those behaviours, customs or stereotypes that prevent effective equality between women and men in the company.

What should an Equality Plan include?

The Equality Plan must include the following points:  

  • Recruitment and selection of personnel.
  • Training of workers.
  • Classification and professional categories.
  • Working conditions (salary, working hours, holidays, leave, etc.).
  • Female representation in the company.
  • Reconciliation of work, personal and family life.
  • Prevention of gender-based harassment.

What requirements must your company meet to be able to implement an Equality Plan?

In order to implement the Equality Plan it is necessary to follow a series of steps and requirements: 

  • Establish a equality plan negotiating committee.
  • Carry out a salary register of all staff.
  • Grouping staff salaries by gender and social groups, establishing the mean and median for each category.
  • Drawing up a pay audit.
  • Develop a harassment protocol.
  • It contemplates those measures that are necessary to prevent, avoid or eliminate any type of harassment in the workplace. harassment at work in the company
  • Train workers and managers and promote a culture of equality in the company.

Sanctions for companies

The amount of sanctions depends on the seriousness of the infringement: 

  • Minor and serious infringements: penalties of between 750 and 7,500 euros.
  • Very serious infringements: from 7,501 to 225,018 euros.

Moreover, not only financial penalties may be imposed, but non-compliance with the Plan may also have other negative consequences for the company:

  • Loss of any aid, subsidy or bonus related to job creation programmes.
  • Prohibition of access to any of these aids for a minimum period of 6 months.

niikiisthe all-in-one HR software will help you to keep your Equality Plan up to date, obtaining the necessary data to draw it up through the salary register. In addition, we will support you in the creation of the workplace harassment protocol through communication channels and through tools to give visibility to the preventive measures. Do you want to know how to achieve all this? Request a free demo at niikiis and improve the well-being of your collaborators.

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