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Labor flexibility in Spain: 4 models for adopting it in the HORECA sector

Labor flexibility in Spain

Work flexibility in Spain for the hotel and catering sector has become a vitally important and constantly evolving issue. In a context where work-life balance is becoming more and more relevant, the HORECA sector faces the challenge of finding the perfect balance for its team.

In this article, we will explain 4 tips for adopting labor flexibility in your operation and the benefits it can bring to both workers and the establishments themselves . From adapting schedules and working methods to offering opportunities for professional growth.

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Promotes a culture of adaptability and change.

Implement flexible schedules that meet the individual needs of your employees.

For example, you could offer compressed work schedules, allowing them to work more hours per day to get additional days off. This will give them the opportunity to enjoy extended time off and balance their personal lives with work.

Provide rotating shift options that allow your team to have variety in their schedules.

For example, in the case of a hotel, you can set up different work shifts, such as morning, afternoon and evening, to allow your employees the flexibility to work at different times of the day and adapt to their personal needs.

Consider teleworking

Finally, while telecommuting may be a challenge in the HORECA sector, consider allowing those workers who are able to do so to work from home for specific administrative tasks. For example, those in charge of menu planning, order management or creating marketing strategies could perform their duties remotely, giving them greater flexibility and the ability to balance their work and personal responsibilities.

2. Establish effective and transparent communication channels.

Creates an environment of trust

Encourage communication and openness where your employees feel comfortable sharing their needs and concerns. You can organize regular meetings to maintain fluid communication and discuss possible solutions to reconcile work with your team's personal life.

Establishes an early shift exchange system.

For example, if an employee needs to attend a medical appointment, he could request to change his shift well in advance and find a colleague willing to swap schedules. In niikiis, the worker manages autonomously the request of his vacations and absences, from his cell phone! This makes the process much easier and faster, both for the supervisor and for the employee. Forget about emails!

Uses internal communication tools

Incorporate digital communication tools, such as instant messaging applications, integrated social networking or collaborative platforms, to maintain efficient communication and ensure that all members of your team are informed about changes and updates. This will facilitate coordination and allow your workers to stay connected in real time, even if they work on different schedules or from remote locations!

Time flexibility

3. Offers opportunities for professional development and growth

Establishes training and education programs

By adopting them, you will enable your workers to acquire new skills and advance their careers in the industry. For example, you could offer courses in customer service or specialized cooking.

Creates individualized development plans

Customize them to fit the goals and aspirations of your employees. This will provide them with motivation and a sense of progression in their work.

4. Use technology to your advantage

In the competitive hospitality industry, labor flexibility has become a key factor to ensure the efficiency and satisfaction of your team. The good news is that technology can be your ally, and specialized software like niikiis can make a difference in managing your frontline workers.

With it, you will be able to enjoy a series of benefits that will promote work flexibility and improve your team's efficiency:

Time tracking

With niikiis, you can easily create and assign work schedules for your front-line employees. You will be able to clearly visualize the availability of each team member and adapt schedules according to the needs of the hotel. In addition, employees will be able to access their schedule through the mobile application, allowing them to be informed at all times and have greater control over their time, without the need for a computer or tablet!

Process automation

Say goodbye to headaches, automate repetitive and administrative tasks, freeing up time so you can focus on the strategic management of your operations! From vacation management to timekeeping, the software takes care of recording and processing information accurately and quickly. This not only saves time, but also reduces the risk of errors and makes it easier to adapt to last-minute changes in operations.

Smooth and collaborative communication

Effective communication is essential to ensure work flexibility. With niikiis, you can communicate directly and efficiently with your team and vice versa through our integrated social network.

Analysis and monitoring of indicators

You will be able to obtain detailed reports on the management of your employees and evaluate the performance of your team. You will be able to visualize data such as attendance, hours worked and productivity, allowing you to make decisions based on accurate and objective information. With these insights, you can identify opportunities for improvement, recognize outstanding employee performance and adjust operations to achieve an optimal balance between labor flexibility and efficiency.

At niikiiswe want to help you grow, while always ensuring the well-being of your team. Request our demo now and see all the solutions we can offer you.

Benefits of labor flexibility in Spain

The benefits of implementing labor flexibility in Spain for the hotel industry are numerous and go beyond the satisfaction and well-being of your employees. Let's see how this practice can positively impact your operations and results:

Increased talent retention

Offering work flexibility is a determining factor in attracting and retaining the best professionals in the hotel industry. In an environment where staff turnover can be high, the possibility of reconciling work and personal life becomes an attractive differential. Workers value flexibility and tend to commit and stay in organizations that offer them that option.

Increased productivity

When your employees have the ability to adapt their schedules and reconcile their personal responsibilities, they feel more motivated and committed to their work. By having a balance between their work and personal life, they will be more willing to give the best of themselves in their job performance. As a result, productivity and service quality are enhanced.

Reduction of absenteeism

Well-managed work flexibility can contribute to a reduction in absenteeism. Allowing your team to adapt their schedules to personal situations, such as medical appointments or family commitments, fosters an environment of trust and well-being. This reduces the likelihood of unexcused absences and contributes to a more positive work climate.

Improving the work environment

Work flexibility fosters a positive and collaborative work environment. By offering scheduling options and allowing employees to exchange shifts, an atmosphere of support and solidarity is generated among team members. This strengthens the sense of belonging and promotes healthy working relationships, which will be reflected in customer satisfaction and a harmonious work environment.

Adaptation to demand and activity peaks

The hotel industry is known for its seasonal nature and fluctuations in demand. Labor flexibility allows a better adaptation to these changes, as you will be able to adjust schedules and shifts according to customer demand. For example, during peak seasons or special events, you will be able to organize work teams according to needs, avoiding overload or underutilization of resources.

Successful cases of labor flexibility in Spain

In the hotel sector in Spain, several companies and hotels have opted for the implementation of labor flexibility measures, obtaining successful results for both their employees and their operations. Let's take a look at some outstanding examples:

Hotel Costa del Mar

This renowned hotel on the Mediterranean coast has managed to stand out thanks to its innovative approach to labor flexibility. They have implemented flexible schedules that allow their workers to adapt their working hours according to their personal needs, always guaranteeing the necessary coverage to offer a quality service. In addition, they have established shift rotation systems that allow workers to enjoy additional days off or reduce their workload during off-seasons. Thanks to this flexibility, they have achieved greater team satisfaction, reduced work stress and increased talent retention, which has resulted in improved reputation and customer loyalty.

La Terraza Restaurant

This restaurant located in the heart of a tourist city has found in labor flexibility the key to optimize its operations and provide excellent service. They have implemented telecommuting for certain administrative and planning tasks, which has allowed their core team to have a better work-life balance. In addition, they have established rotating schedules for the dining room and kitchen staff, which has allowed them to adapt to changes in demand and maintain a motivated and committed staff. Thanks to this flexibility, they have achieved greater efficiency in the management of their team and a job satisfaction that is reflected in the attention and quality of the dishes offered.

These examples demonstrate that labor flexibility in the HORECA sector can generate successful results. By adapting schedules, implementing telecommuting when possible and offering shift rotation options, these companies have achieved significant benefits, such as improved work climate, talent retention, operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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