
How to build employee loyalty in your hotel with Mª Dolores Muñoz

Today, we are pleased to have María Dolores Muñoz, Director of Quality at the Hotel Alfonso XIII, as a guest to address a crucial issue in the hotel sector: employee loyalty. 

The quality of a hotel is not only reflected in its services, but also in the well-being and commitment of its team." In the hospitality industry, we often place great emphasis on customer satisfaction, which is certainly essential. However, what about the workers, who are the fundamental core of the operation?

Discover the keys that María Dolores Muñoz shares with us about employee loyalty in the hotel industry and how to build a committed and successful team.

1. First of all, tell us a little bit about who you are, what you like to do, what your interests are.

On a professional level, I love helping people develop and reach their potential. On a personal level, I enjoy it: I like to go out to eat, travel, be with my family. At the same time, I'm a homebody. In winter I love to spend my Sunday afternoons watching movies on TV. Oh, and I forgot! I love going to my Pilates classes and enjoying a good cold beer after classes with my friends!

2. What are the main current challenges you face as Director of Quality at Hotel Alfonso XIII?

The main ones would be: Staff turnover, new recruits. And the type of customer, which has also changed.

3. Building employee loyalty is undoubtedly one of the biggest challenges in the sector and essential to maintaining a committed and productive team, as well as good operational efficiency. What do you consider to be the most effective strategies for building employee loyalty in a hotel? How do you do it?

Strategies to build loyalty: Emotional salary above all else. Finding balance between personal and professional life.

Provide training for them to develop.

Growth and leadership programs.

Coaching for the well-being of the team.

Feedback. A sense of inclusion and belonging now more than ever.

4. We know that training and professional development are important for employee satisfaction. What programs or practices have you implemented at Alfonso XIII to help workers grow and advance in their careers?

  • ijob Program
  • Cross Training 
  • Robust training plan
  • Feedback / Performance Evaluation
  • Voyage / cross training /task force

5. Work-life balance is essential for workers, especially younger workers. How do you make sure the team has the right balance and what are the flexible work policies you've put in place?

There are shifts to cover, but we rigorously adhere to rotation as well as the programs mentioned above to ensure your emotional well-being and work-life balance.

6. In an ever-changing and demanding environment such as the hospitality industry, how do you promote well-being among workers? Do you do team building activities, or do you have any programs or strategies to avoid burnout? 

  • Take care
  • Outdoor activities during the year, paddle tennis matches, football...
  • Volunteering in common.
  • Massages, back school....

7. What are the best practices for maintaining effective communication with staff and ensuring they feel heard and valued?

Communication should come from above and cascade down. There are several channels: magazine, television, morning meetings, general session with clients, briefings, niikiis!!

8. And finally, what does Hospitality mean to you?

Hospitality is making the customer feel at home when they are away from home so that they don't want to come back. Exceed the guest's expectations in such a way that they enjoy an unforgettable, lasting experience that changes and transforms their life.

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