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5 keys to digital HR transformation in 2021

digital transformation of HR

Digital transformation is already a reality for many organisations and an urgent necessity for small and medium-sized companies. Now, more than ever, organisations are committing to the digital transformation of all business areas, including human resources.

"Companies have boosted their digitalization in the wake of the pandemic and their CEOs expect to see an increase in the areas that will be affected by this process." So says the study 'CEO Outlook 2020: COVID19' conducted by KPMG.

In this article we explain 5 key aspects to take into account in the process of digital transformation of human resources.

What you need to consider for a digital HR transformation

Below, we describe the 5 aspects that, at niikiis, we consider essential to work on in order to carry out a correct digital transformation in human resources:

Needs analysis

One of the fundamental aspects before starting the digital transformation of a company is to ask about the needs of the organisation.

"Conducting an assessment of HR areas will help define the department's strategic objectives."

Beyond implementing a tool or adapting a new way of working, it is about assessing the real needs and finding an appropriate solution for each case. Undoubtedly, in the current pandemic context, there are some objectives common to any team in any company:

  • Teleworking.
  • Labour flexibility.
  • Maintaining remote engagement.
  • Taking care of the health of our team.

In short, it is a matter of listening to the needs of the people who make up the organisation. To do this, it will be crucial to foster close, transparent and two-way communication. If you want to know more about employee well-being, talent retention and productivity, we give you 5 measures to boost happiness at work.

Evolution towards a more strategic and agile department

The digital transformation of HR helps us to streamline the day-to-day procedures required in people management. We are talking about administrative tasks that, with the right digital tools, could be streamlined.

Examples of automation of administrative tasks include

  • Time control.
  • The holiday application.
  • Measuring absenteeism.

It is about optimising people management and building a more efficient area.

"Automating these processes and making them digital gives us the ability to focus the department's resources on what's really important, the people."

Choosing a computerised HR management system

According to the study "Accelerating the Road to HR 3.0", conducted by IBM's Institute for Business Value 75% of global HR managers indicated that cloud and data analytics will be a priority for their business by 2022.

"Choosing a suitable "Human Resources Information System" will facilitate the work of the people department. "

This type of software helps us to effectively manage and analyse the information of the people who make up the team. niikiis is the platform that offers you the digital human resources management solutions you are looking for. It is very useful to be able to have all the documentation in a single system, among other services. In addition, this type of tool offers the option to quickly update the organisation chart and the employee directory.

Development of the talent selection area

In recent years we have witnessed a radical revolution in the area of recruitment. Applicant Tracking Systems, also known as "Applicant Tracking Systems", help us to be much more efficient in filtering CVs and identifying key talent for companies.

"Through artificial intelligence we can pre-screen profiles and give a quick response to people interested in working with us."

In short, thanks to this type of software we can offer a better experience to the candidates and reduce the time in the recruitment process, which is another of the functionalities that niikiis can offer you.

Transforming training and people development

Technology has also dramatically changed the way we train and develop key team competencies. An example of this would be the Learning Management System and Learning Experience Platform.

Micro learning is the perfect solution for employees to retain information, streamline processes, make the most of the organisation's resources and transfer and assimilate knowledge in the short and long term memory. This type of platform helps us to quickly create career plans according to the business area and the person's professional objectives. They also help us to monitor the development of our staff and quickly obtain a report on the training carried out, as well as the level of employee satisfaction.

Final conclusions: change your mindset to change the way you work.

In conclusion, the digital transformation of HR brings a necessary change of mindset for the evolution of the people department.

"It's about the development of a traditionally administrative area into a strategic area of the business."

Technology gives us the opportunity to centralise and manage all of our team's information in a single system. In short, it helps us to analyse data and make objective decisions based on the conclusions drawn. Ask us for a demo and we will show it to you.